Corporate Responsibility

Cosmopolitan is governed by our owner Wrist Ship Supply A/S and we are running our business according to the overall corporate policy "Wrist Business Principles."

Wrist’s Business Principles have been formulated as an extension of our values, guidance and mission increasing transparency and describing the way we act while achieving our business goals.

Wrist is committed to carry out business in a sustainable way. In order to promote the long-term interests of Wrist and our stakeholders, we strive to maintain the highest legal and ethical standards in all business practices.

    pdf Wrist Business Principles

Extract from our Business Principles:

Health and safety

Wrist endeavors to create hazard-free workplaces for our employees, contractors, and others working in various locations by applying high standards of occupational health and safety.

Human rights

Wrist supports and respects the protection of human rights as defined in the United Nation's Global Compact. No employee is allowed to take any action that violates these human rights principles, either directly or indirectly.

Fair employment

Wrist promotes freedom from discrimination based on race, ethnic or national origin, colour, gender, family status, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or political beliefs, or other characteristics protected by law.


Wrist supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges for improved environmental performance and resource utilisation in order to run own operations as clean and efficiently as possible.


Wrist conducts business throughout the world in accordance with applicable law and high ethical standards – such law includes the Anticorruption law of Denmark (Danish Act No. 228), The Foreign Corrupt Practices of the USA and the UK Bribery Act.


Suppliers and business partners are an important and integral part of the total value chain of the products and services of Wrist. They are expected to conduct their businesses in compliance with the same high legal and ethical standards and business practices as Wrist.



Cosmopolitan supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges for improved environmental performance and resource utilisation in order to run own operations as clean and efficiently as possible."